Friday, August 29, 2014

To My Faithful Readers

To My Faithful Readers,

As many of you know, I became a dad this year to two beautiful little girls. 
As a result, the sequel to “Hath No Fury:” “Moments of Rhythm and Magic” will be delayed a little further into 2015.
To carry you until then here is another VERY rough excerpt from “Moments of Rhythm and Magic”:

Even before going to the house he shared with his Grandmother, he stopped by Amy's house.  He was pretty certain that the Sellers family had moved when he tried calling Amy from Christie's house all those months ago.  Still, he had to try.  He found it dark and empty.  An aging "Century 21" sign stood outside. 

"Sorry man,"  Danny said.

"It's ok," Mark said.  Although he didn't feel ok.  He felt an incredible need to be in his old home. 

As he walked over he glanced at the old meeting place he and Amy had, the little hollow in the bushes.  It was where they had met countless times before their adventures.  He had  expected to see it overgrown, or worse, to see the bushes around it dying.  What he did see surprised him.  In the hollow now grew a bush with peach colored roses.  They were breathtakingly beautiful as they bloomed in the spring warmth. 

He loves you.

Mark had to work hard to hold back the flood of feelings that threatened to overwhelm him.  Determined to find something...some peace.  He soldiered on to his own house, Danny in tow.

He found his grandmothers house to be empty and boarded up.  Some of the exterior looked "blackened."  It appeared as though someone wanted to burn it, but either didn't know how, or was afraid to get close enough to do it properly.  Graffiti had already begun to show up in spray-painted words of all of them witches!  Mark wasnt sure why, but he didnt think these deeds were done by child pranksters, not in this neighborhood, but by someone older, who should know better.

Danny had offered to help him break in, but Mark still surprisingly had his key, which worked the door lock and deadbolt.

Mark reflexively called for Natasha, who, of course, didnt come.  The hint of incense still permeated the air, and for an instant, Mark found it comforting.  Warm memories of his grandmother and rituals filled his mind.  For an instant, he felt at home. It felt good, but somehow empty.

As they walked through the entry way they found the incense smell was was mixed with a musty smell and something really foul and rancid underneath.

The police in Kingston weren't the fastest operating, and this place was still a crime scene five months later.  It would not have given Mark comfort to know that his grandmother had already been dead before the grizzly events of that Halloween evening had occurred. His grandmother's body had been removed, but because it was still and active crime scene it had not been cleaned up yet.

Danny walked into the living room first, and, before Mark had a chance to see the room Danny threw him back.

What the hell are you doing?!  Mark yelled, genuine surprise and anger in his voice.

Mark, man, you dont want to go in there?  Danny said holding Mark in something of a bear hug.

Yes I do!  Mark protested.

No man, Danny insisted. dont!

---See you in 2015

Future Personal Computing Technology Trends

An earlier article, I mentioned how the smaller device (i.e. Smartphone) would become the centre of personal technology.  It certainly has gone that way over the past few years, with most consumers now carrying a Smartphone.  Cellular devices that are NOT at least first generation smart devices with screens are becoming more and more rare.  Even my parents are now iPhone users!
We still see the need, however for the tablet and the laptop (for a keyboard if nothing else).  There are still needs for larger screens and more human sized interfaces.  Many human interface devices interconnect via Bluetooth wireless protocol, which has recently become much more advanced and efficient.
We will see a shift in the next three stages of personal computing technology that will hinge on the advancement of wireless technology as a whole; all protocols, from Bluetooth to wifi to Cellular.

First stage – A shift in the center

As many of you know from some of the past articles, we love technology that is built into a watch.  It could be either a Dick Tracy or Knight Rider worship thing, but mostly because it’s really cool and convenient.  Even Steve Wozniak called out for Apple to look toward more wearable technology.
The first stage will see the center of the technology shift to the wearable device itself.  The wearable device will be the heart/brains.  The larger interfaces, handsets, tablets, keyboards, screens etc will be linked to this piece of wearable tech.
The wearable tech could either be a watch, glasses (Like Google Glass), pendant or something new.  This device will be the local memory, and network/internet connection.  Tablet and laptop-like interfaces will become as generic and interchangeable as Bluetooth earpieces are to our Smartphones.

Second Stage- Access from Anywhere!

The next stage will be more subtle, and it’s happening now.  Most of our files and information will be accessible from anywhere.  Cloud (such a trendy word) based information or internet accessible servers will be a local source for data and applications, and it won’t matter on what device you are on.
The wearable tech may shift to become the internet or network interface and the secure personal gateway to private information.

Third Stage- It’s all in your head

Several teams at Princeton and Berkley are making real advances in mapping out brain electrical configurations and mapping them to specific thoughts.  It’s a reasonable assumption that a mental interface bay be developed.  It may not completely replace hand gestures, voice, touch-screens or keyboards for quite a while (at least for business), but it may appear in the next 5-10 years for personal or consumer interaction.
Just don’t leave it on in your sleep!

This NEEDS to happen

As nice as all of our mobile technology is, all of our devices suffer from the need to be constantly recharged.  There is a huge market for portable batteries, solar panels and anything to compensate for the ever growing demand for portable power. 
Until a miniature, practical, generator, fuel cell or REALLY extended battery technology is developed, we will be constantly tethered.  

Friday, August 22, 2014

Is this how the thought police get started?

Now, I am not defending this kid or what he wrote.  This kid could clearly be in need of some real help or maybe he just has a warped sense of humor.

That isn't the point.

Immediately arresting this kid for writing something fictional in an assignment is in direct violation with the US Constitution.

For writing about shooting a dinosaur, S.C. high school student gets arrested 
NRMR1805/GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOTOA made-up story about a dinosaur and a gun got a 16-year-old student in South Carolina arrested and suspended.

Monday, August 11, 2014

I was Interviewed on NPR by Big Picture Science & SETI

Posted 8/11/2014
Two weeks ago I got approached by Dr. Seth Shostak from SETI and NASA.
He does a regular science/technology radio show for NPR and Podcast

He read the article I did for DVICE on Orwellian technology being used today and wanted to interview me as a technology expert.

My Interview was on NPR across the US all last week and is available on line to listen to here:

Listen On line here!